101 things in 1001 days

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101 things to do in 1001 days…
Some people make new years resolutions and most people break them. I always make them and I always break them. This year I wanted to challenge myself and do something a little bit different. I came across this idea while stocking another photographer's blog. I instantly wanted to create my own list.I know it sounds harder than making one new years resolution, but I think it's doable. I tried to set obtainable goals in a realistic period of time. By the end of the 1001 days, I hope to have made some new habits and quit some bad ones. We'll see. I'll keep you posted here on my blog as I progress.

Start date: Tuesday, January 1st. 2008
End date: Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

1. Get pregnant (completed 1/12/08)
2. Have a baby (sounds redundant but it’s not) (Completed October 2, 2008)
3. Find a friend to make a 101 list (Completed 1/6/08)
4. Find a student to make a 101 list (Completed 1/7/08)
5. Get a new tattoo (cover up an old one)
6. Return all emails within 24 hours of receiving for one month
7. Keep my car for 1001 days (This will be completed by the end of this.)
8. Order groceries online for one month
9. Learn a song I like by heart
10. Get new tires on my wedding cruiser & tune up (Completed)
11. Get an iPhone (Completed 2/6/08)
12. Go on a weekly date night for a month
13. Use cook book recipe to cook once a week for one month for Danny.
14. Go for a walk with my husband in the neighborhood one night a week for a month
15. Go to the movies once a month with Dan for six months
16. Catch up on LOST before the series premiere
17. Celebrate wedding anniversary overnight, somewhere other than home
18. Clean out my closet and donate to charity (Completed 2/6/08)
19. Clean out & organize back rec room (completed 4/17/08)
20. Buy patio furniture for back room
21. Keep up on the laundry for one month (actually fold it & put it away)
22. Create a mail center organizer (Completed 1/30/08)
23. Keep mail center organized (toss junk, file all other)
24. Keep my car spotless clean for one month
Health, Beauty, & Fitness
25. Take a multivitamin daily every day for a month
26. Get to 115 lbs.
27. Run five miles
28. Run ten miles
29. Do another half marathon
30. Drink no alcohol for 40 days (completed sometime in March since I'm pregnant)
31. Drink only water for a week (Completed 2/3/08)
32. Wash my face every night for a week
33. Buy new eyeglasses
34. Spend a day of pampering with girls at Glen Ivy Spa
35. For one week, go to the gym three times before work
36. Floss every day for a week
37. Make it to the gym at least three times a week for a month
38. Go salsa dancing once a week for a month
39. Complete the Rosarito to Ensenada bike race
40. Ride my bike once a week for a month.
41. Read all the books in my personal library
42. Transfer all CDs onto iTunes
43. Read a book once a month (or equivalent in a year)
44. Log all books on goodreads.com
45. Start or join a book club (completed 2010)
46. Read a book in Spanish
47. Fly First Class.
48. Go on a wine tour.
49. Visit WSU for photo journal of life (#82)
50. Go to WSU football game
51. See a show in Vegas (does cheerleading count? February 2009)
52. See a show in New York (Completed 1/4/07)
53. See old friends in Spain
54. Go to three states that I’ve never been to before
55. Go to the Getty Museum
56. Visit Miami
57. Mountain bike in Moab, Arizona
58. Pay off a credit card
59. Cut up a credit card
60. For one month, spend money only on necessities (food, gas, bills, etc.)
61. Get a safety deposit box
62. Save for one summer (Completed Summer 2009)
63. Buy a new laptop (Completed)
64. Take a few photography classes to improve my craft
65. Attend a photography workshop/conference (Completed March 2009, Fast Track Photograher)
66. Read a business book to help my photography business (Completed March 2009)
67. Upgrade my blog to match site (Completed 2/9/08)
68. Take a photo a day for 365 days (Project 365)
69. Do 26 things photographic
70. Back up all my albums & data on my computer  (Completed ?)
71. Blog at least once a week for a year
72. Blog every day for a month. (Completed 1/29/08)
73. Become proficient in Photoshop. (Does Lightroom count? | If so, completed.)
74. Back up each photo session as I process them for a month. (Completed regularly now)
75. Give away a photo session to someone I don’t know in need (Completed 1/16/08)
76. Finish my Spain scrapbook
77. Complete my wedding scrapbook
78. Frame wedding pictures in collage in hallway
79. Create a printed charla BLUE portfolio with baby prints
80. Create a printed charla BLUE portfolio with wedding prints
81. Create a printed charla BLUE portfolio with family & couple prints
82. Photo document my life in a book
83. Buy a vintage film camera
84. Meet a photographer I admire (Completed November 2008)
85. Second shoot a wedding for a photographer I admire (Completed August 2009, for Dane Sanders)
86. Find a church I like attending. (Completed 01/13/08)
87. Go to church once a month for a year.
88. Attend church every Sunday for a month .
89. Read The Purpose Driven Life.
90. Live by the Four Agreements for one week.
Give Back
91. Fund a business loan for third world country (Kiva.org).
92. Participate in Make-a-Wish foundation.
93. Give blood.
94. Do a random act of kindness. (Completed.)
95. Volunteer.
96. Go on a mission trip.
Out of order...
97. Surprise my husband.
98. Go on vacation with my family (other than my husband).
99. Visit a distant friend. (Completed December 2009)
100. Donate $5 for every item on my list that is not completed at the end of 1001 days.
101. Start a new 101 list at the end of this one.


  1. This is SO awesome Charla! Way to go! I loved reading through your goals--definitely some good ones!

  2. I'm still working on my list; I have 11 more to add.
    Are you going to check off on your blog what you have already done? I think you already have a few accomplished- good job!
    I haven't started on the accomplishing just yet... Give a me a week or so...

  3. awesome goals you have there ! A Purpose Driven Life is a really good book ! ^^

  4. I went through and actually read them all. Very inspiring. I've wanted to create a similar list but for life I guess. So tell me what church are you attending?
    sorry I don't get around to talking to you much at work.
    This whole SLC and masters thing is sucking the life out of me right now. Almost through.
    Well best of prayers with you on your 1001 things...You have become and continue to become a wonderful and inspiring photographer. Not that my opinion is to be valued much, but my Dad was a professional photographer and my younger brother is a published amature photographer and you capture people beautifully! I've always loved black & white photography and love take pics. I am proud of you and admire you for doing 3 jobs or technically 4-teaching, photography, Mom and Wife! GO CHARLA =)>
    ~Alison Rockwood

  5. This is such a great idea Carla. Can I just say also how amazing you are as a photographer as well!


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